Book summary
Over the last half century, the fire of American innovation has grown dim. There have been no lunar bases, no cures for cancer, and no energy too cheap to meter. Not only have we failed to achieve these futuristic visions, but we are struggling with more fundamental challenges. Transportation speeds stagnated, energy consumption peaked, life expectancy plateaued, construction takes longer and costs more, educational systems are failing, and healthcare costs are skyrocketing. Where did our bright future go and how do we get back to it? The answer to those two questions are found in the three pillars of American society: the government, private business, and individuals. Government regulations have crippled progress and stifled innovation. Private companies have grown more bureaucratic, prioritizing short term financial gains to longer term progress. American individuals have relinquished values like discipline, merit, and a strong work ethic. By rebuilding these three pillars, this book charts a course to reignite American innovation and take us back to the future we are capable of.